Recently, PL and I were down with COVID (after 3 years of avoiding the virus).
Luckily it seemed like the variant of the virus that we caught is mild in nature and the main symptoms were coughing and feeling lethargic.
What I felt helped us a lot were the following:
This helped me a lot when I was feeling tired and suffering from sleep deprivation and it never failed me. Hence, I got PL and I to take it with me this time round and it works like magic.
Of course, we coupled it with rest (a lot of it)
I got to know of this OTC medication when I went overseas with Yu Xi a long time ago. By dissolving the tablet into the water and drinking it, it helps to remove phlegm effortlessly instead of coughing the whole lungs out.
It was truly a lifesaver when I was coughing out copious amount of phlegm every day.
- Water
We drank at least 2 liters of water each day, even when we don't feel like it. PL had a total loss of appetite when he was unwell but I was perpetually hungry. I guess COVID hits us in different ways. But, we set a timer to drink water every few hours so that we are able to hydrate ourselves and flush the virus out.
- Yogurt
I know the old folks keep harping that cold stuff should not be eaten when there is phlegm but I find that eating yogurt helps to improve the appetite. At the same time, it also gives a boost to the immunity that we sorely need. A word of advice though - this is not a miracle pill and you need to eat it every day to see its effect. PL has the idea that it should only be eaten when immunity is weakened (which is probably the reason why he still has the 2 lines while I have recovered).
As the year end approaches, stay safe and healthy!
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