Having a child is a costly affair. My dear baby cost me about $20k just for the delivery and hospital fee. I was quite taken aback by the cost even though there were some $$ allocated to new parents aka baby bonus. And I wasn't even staying in a single bedded room!
After such a deep hole in our pocket, we strived to keep our budget and cost for Hunter down.
Below are the 10 things that we did:
1) Hand-me-downs
You would be surprised by the number of hand-me-downs you can get if you just open your mouth. I have gotten tons of items of neighbours, friends and relatives. And mind you, they are not just any old items. They can be pretty new clothes that were worn once or maybe even new ones!
In this category, toys, strollers, bassinets and clothes are best as baby outgrows them quickly.
2) Carousell
I do a lot of shopping on Carousell. I believe in zero waste parenting and I want my kid to understand the consequences of overbuying. If we can play a part by reducing waste, why not?
There are many parents who sell off their new items at a discount. Save the keywords and get notified when there are new postings :)
I got some really great buys such as new oral wipes and diapers from there.
3) Qoo10
Make use of the cart coupons for diapers! They can be really cheap at times! I have obtained a wonderful price of 9cents per diaper (inclusive of shipping) by using the cart coupon before.
It is good for bulky items and formula milk. I get enfamil stage 1 from here. After the cart coupon, it is $103+ for a 1.8kg which lasts Hunter for more than a month (He drinks more than what I can pump T.T)
4) Estate fb/wa chat
They can inform you of the ongoing discounts, saving you time and money. Sometimes, they also give items that their kids have outgrown.
5) Sign up for freebies
Many places give out samples. Some examples are:
Happy budgeting!
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