I have been pretty much busy with stuff ever since my ROM.
Recently, I have been hooked on Carousell much, buying and selling stuff at the same time.
I'm quite glad to sell some of my stuff away as I no longer use/wear them, and they are taking a lot of space from my area which I want to try to clear out.
That aside, PL and I have been learning more about each other during the Taiwan trip.
During this trip, a certain issue kept popping up in my mind. "Did we really rush into marriage too quickly?"
Looking back, I think we really did. I don't think we know everything about each other.
Yet, the key point is this: We are committing ourselves to each other.
I know I am the type who gets angry easily. And yes, we did quarrel during the trip.
Recently, I have been hooked on Carousell much, buying and selling stuff at the same time.
I'm quite glad to sell some of my stuff away as I no longer use/wear them, and they are taking a lot of space from my area which I want to try to clear out.
That aside, PL and I have been learning more about each other during the Taiwan trip.
During this trip, a certain issue kept popping up in my mind. "Did we really rush into marriage too quickly?"
Looking back, I think we really did. I don't think we know everything about each other.
Yet, the key point is this: We are committing ourselves to each other.
I know I am the type who gets angry easily. And yes, we did quarrel during the trip.
These two pictures were taken when I was so pissed that I needed a break away from him.
But I admit that he is damn sweet to keep following behind me even though I was showing a very black face.
Spot me sitting there alone.
And the stupid part of it was because we care about each other.
The story goes like this:
We were at some rural parts of Miao Li where we have to walk 900m in the dark on an unlit path to go for dinner. He was upset with the arrangement as the minsu owner didn't offer to drive us down as he felt that it was unsafe for me. So he showed a black face. I was still alright then.
The next day, they shifted us to a more central part of Miaoli where the night market is held. But we have to head back to the Sheng Xing Train station so the minsu owner drove us there, and dropped us at the carpark. That was the part when everything started to fall apart. He was complaining that it would be a very long and dangerous road back to our minsu if we have to walk, and there was no cab in sight. (It was a 5km walk on a mountainous road.) So he showed his black face again. At that point of time, I really felt like slapping him because we were there to enjoy ourselves and I wasn't there to look at his black face.
So basically, he was angry because he felt like he had subjected me to hardship and suffering, and I was pissed because he was angry (and it doesn't help that he is treating me like some helpless female who can't do anything) and then he was angry that I was pissed, making me more pissed, and then his anger turned to worry when I refused to talk to him and shouted at him to just go back to Taipei and walked off on my own.
I am still a little angry by that though, because he made me spent half a day in anger when we could have better spent it doing some more enjoyable stuff. But all in all, it was still a good trip because we got to learn more about each other's quirks.
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