Today was an interesting day.
In the morning, PL got an SMS from Peter Kong, the JP that we looked for like close to 4 months ago, and he asked if we can push back our ROM timing to 6.30pm as he thinks that he may be late due to a medical appointment at Changi General Hospital.
We panicked as we had already informed everyone that we will do the solemnisation at 6pm and all the food and everything has been arranged. In the end, we called up Ivan Ng from Clementi CC who was willing to perform the solemnisation for us at 6pm.
One of the reason I didn't want to choose him at first was because it will lead to the whole Clementi area knowing that our big day is on Friday (but we have no choice now)
PL was quite pissed as we have booked with Peter Kong quite a while ago and only now did he tell us that he has a medical appointment on the same day around the same timing. At first, when we wanted to meet up with him for a briefing for the actual day, he said that he can't make it and he will brief us on the actual day (15 mins before the solemnisation starts- Can you believe it?!!) and now he wants us to push the timing for him because he has a medical appointment.
I was quite unhappy about it at first because it seemed like all the JPs that the others on the forum got actually met up with them before the actual day to discuss what to do, but ours didn't even bother to do so.
Luckily Ivan was very kind to accept our request as I felt that it was quite a last minute thing.
In the morning, PL got an SMS from Peter Kong, the JP that we looked for like close to 4 months ago, and he asked if we can push back our ROM timing to 6.30pm as he thinks that he may be late due to a medical appointment at Changi General Hospital.
We panicked as we had already informed everyone that we will do the solemnisation at 6pm and all the food and everything has been arranged. In the end, we called up Ivan Ng from Clementi CC who was willing to perform the solemnisation for us at 6pm.
One of the reason I didn't want to choose him at first was because it will lead to the whole Clementi area knowing that our big day is on Friday (but we have no choice now)
PL was quite pissed as we have booked with Peter Kong quite a while ago and only now did he tell us that he has a medical appointment on the same day around the same timing. At first, when we wanted to meet up with him for a briefing for the actual day, he said that he can't make it and he will brief us on the actual day (15 mins before the solemnisation starts- Can you believe it?!!) and now he wants us to push the timing for him because he has a medical appointment.
I was quite unhappy about it at first because it seemed like all the JPs that the others on the forum got actually met up with them before the actual day to discuss what to do, but ours didn't even bother to do so.
Luckily Ivan was very kind to accept our request as I felt that it was quite a last minute thing.
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