1. Choose 3 destination cards. Keep at least 2 of them. 2. Draw 5 wagon cards. Then, start the game. Moves available: Draw 2 Wagon cards *Take note that 1 Locomotive card(wild card) = 2 wagon cards) OR Claim a route OR Draw another 3 destination cards (have to keep at least 1 of them every time you draw) Rules to take note of: The colours of the wagon cards must match the ones on the board (between a route). I.e: 2 white spaces between 2 routes can be claimed by 2 white wagon cards. This will be considered as 1 move. Once a route has been claimed, other players are not able to claim it anymore. (In games with more than 3 players, some routes have double lines :D) The game will end when there are 2 or less wagon pieces in a player's possession. (Once the wagon pieces reaches 2 or below, everyone will play one last turn.) Point system: Every time a route is claimed, the player will get points according to board. Another way to get points is to finish routes...
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