I took a half day off to have high tea buffet with PL. It's one of the rare times we actually went for a buffet since we don't eat much. I am going to gush about it and say that it's awesome! The food was just slightly average but the service is so good! I never expected the service to be so good since we were paying the promo prices but they are so attentive towards our needs! Kudos to them for a job well done. The buffet consists of oysters, cold prawns, rojak, crepes, mee goreng, ba ku teh, clear chicken soup, bread, salads, smoked salmon, ice-creams, cakes and other small desserts as well as some Asian dishes. First, there was a short queue at the front counter as everyone waited to be seated at 3pm. Then, we were being led to our seats, with the waiters asking for our drink orders. They were quick to fill up our drinks when they noticed that it was half empty. For the food, they were quick to clear our empty plates too, without being intrusive. I will strongl...
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